Saturday, January 19, 2008

January 29, 2008 - Tuesday
WHAT’S THE COST OF LIFE? - ’DEFINE NECESSITY’ Current mood: hopeful Category: Life

I know we all think we have the definition of necessity nailed down, but search your hearts as you read/look above and then ask yourself if its time to rethink it. Thank you on behalf of all of us that are trying to make the world a better place any way we are able to.

It takes so little to help the millions starving worldwide. Even the change you throw on top of the dresser or in a jar could provide so much to so many. Make good use of it. This is just one of many places to start.

I personally do not want to see anymore heart wrenching pictures like the one on the bottom above, but to ignore them would be to ignore the help many need. I'm asking all of you to start somewhere. Deb

The following was borrowed from the awesome MySpace located here:

What's the cost of life?

I have known this photo for some time, it makes me sad and scared at the same time seeing the little kid suffering of hunger, while the vulture awaits aside. I learned that the photo was taken in Southern Sudan, in 1993 by the South African photo journalist Kevin Carter (the Manics pay tribute to him with a song), who was awarded an Pulitzer for it in 1994. He committed suicide shortly after that, haunted by the horrific images from Sudan.Sudan is still a hot topic today, mainly because of the Darfur crisis. The international community to date fails to solve the problem and stop the genocide of innocent population in the western Sudan, something that points out that the human race still have to go a long way until it becomes a real human society. There are estimated 450.000 people killed since the beginning of the fights in 2003 and the number is rapidly growing. Hm, I bet that if the so-called civilized world has real interest in solving the problem, it can be done. Those people out there need help, need solution. I mean, come on people, there are people dying every day down there in horrific manner. And not just that, AFRICA needs help and the western world, especially, owe it to her. Centuries of exploitation and stealing the wealth of the African countries obligates the West to help. Or it will be as it was until now - the rich will send some money in support, make some concerts, make some movies and talk about it at the saloons, while enjoying comfort. And on Sunday they will go to church and be perfectly happy with them selves. While hell is loose on Earth. It is just so two-faced and unfair. Was Kevin Carter right? I hope not...

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